Filming Location Agreement Template

When it comes to filming on location, it is crucial to have a well-drafted filming location agreement template in place. A filming location agreement template is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for using a particular location for a video shoot or film production. It is a written agreement between the property owner and the production company, which specifies the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

Why Do You Need a Filming Location Agreement?

A filming location agreement template is important because filming on location without proper permission can lead to legal issues and penalties. By having a written agreement in place, both parties are clear on their obligations and expectations. It helps to avoid misunderstandings that may arise during the production process and can also save time and money.

Key Items to Include in a Filming Location Agreement Template

1) Description of the location: The template should include a detailed description of the location, including its address, the size of the property, and the rooms or areas that will be used for filming. It is essential to identify any restrictions or limitations that the owner may impose on the use of the location.

2) Duration of the shoot: The agreement should specify the dates and times of the video shoot, and any additional days needed for preparation or cleanup. It is also important to establish the expected hours of operation to ensure that the production company does not interfere with the owner`s regular business activities.

3) Compensation: The filming location agreement should outline the payment structure and due dates. This includes any fees for using the location, any additional charges for overtime or excessive wear and tear, and the terms for making payments.

4) Liability and insurance: The agreement should clearly delineate the responsibilities of both parties in case of damage or injury on the property. It should also specify the insurance requirements for the production company and whether they need to add the owner as an additional insured on their policy.

5) Permits and licenses: The agreement should specify who is responsible for obtaining any necessary permits or licenses required for filming on the property. This includes any permits required by local or state authorities, as well as any permits required by the property owner.


A well-drafted filming location agreement template is essential when shooting on location. It can help to establish a clear understanding between the property owner and the production company, avoid any legal issues, and save time and money in the long run. If you are planning a video shoot or film production, make sure to get your filming location agreement in place before beginning the project.