Eu Ukraine Visa Facilitation Agreement

The European Union and Ukraine recently signed a visa facilitation agreement that will make it easier for Ukrainian citizens to travel to EU countries. The agreement, which was signed in June 2017, is seen as a significant step towards strengthening ties between Ukraine and the EU.

Under the agreement, Ukrainian citizens will be able to obtain multiple-entry visas for certain purposes, including business, tourism, and medical treatment. These visas will be valid for up to five years, and will allow Ukrainians to stay in EU countries for up to 90 days within a six-month period.

The visa facilitation agreement is expected to have a number of positive impacts on both Ukraine and the EU. For Ukraine, it will help to strengthen economic and cultural ties with EU countries, as well as providing greater opportunities for Ukrainians to study, work, and travel abroad. It is also hoped that the agreement will help to combat illegal migration and improve border security.

For the EU, the agreement will help to further integrate Ukraine into the European community, and demonstrate the EU`s commitment to supporting Ukraine`s efforts towards reform and modernization. It will also boost trade and tourism between the EU and Ukraine, which could provide significant economic benefits for both parties.

Overall, the visa facilitation agreement between the EU and Ukraine is a positive development that will benefit both sides. By making it easier for Ukrainian citizens to travel to EU countries, the agreement will help to strengthen ties between Ukraine and the EU, improve economic cooperation, and promote greater understanding and cooperation between the two regions.